Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday Ramifications


  1. 3rd pic - that angle is EVERYTHING.

  2. 10th pic - The Police, your Friend and Helper

    (for context "Gendarmerie", as it says on the cop's shirt, is another word for police, and "Dein Freund und Helfer" - your friend and helper - is the long-standing slogan of German police)

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Terrific Tuesday Ramifications here today Koba!!

    #1) Oh big boy, I said I'll be a little late, but that's alright you stay asleep, those sweats are pulled down far enough, to get what I want. Indeed that is one fine cock and balls!! Woof!! Hope I don't wake you if I feel those nice big arms to.

    #2) Now there's a skating connection, if I ever saw one:)

    #3) Oh young lad, you have two choices to make, if you don't want that to become a frozen Popsicle. You let me put my warm lips around that sucker or you get soft real fast and put him back in his cage!!

    #4) Are you f--king kidding me Koba?? I can't get to the gym, I have jacked off twice today, and now I have to look at this perfect male specimen. OK then, this is how it's going to go down. Those beautiful hairy legs are going to go over my shoulders and I'm going to f--k his hairy ass so hard (oh yes it must be hairy). Oh and while I'm f--king him, I'll going to lick each and every toe. He be coming back to me often. Maybe even ask me to marry him. Sorry guys it's this isolation thing is really getting to me. Woof!!!

    #5) Don't you worry handsome, I see that nice clean pink "pucker" of yours, and yes I'll give you a great rimmer. While I'm real you, jack your meat, so I can so fat balls jiggle.

    #6) This dude is bulging everywhere!!! Wow those are some great arms.

    #7) I'm envious bitch tonight, this dude is enjoying a FOOTLONG!!!

    #8) That a boy if that beauty a nice "GINGERSNAP"!!!!

    #9) The painters are going to spend a lot of time sculpturing this model big manly feet.

    #10) Now this policeman knows what this young man needed.

    Thanks Koba, and sorry for being so blunt tonight. ME SO HONRY!!!
