Thursday, April 16, 2020

Open for Business!


  1. Koba, How do you you do it? Ten perfects tushes. What a hard choice to make but, after long minutes gazing at such perfection, I have chosen #10 even though #2 is just as spectacular. Thanks. E

  2. Pics number 3 and 10... i totaly lost myself on those hairy asses

  3. Looks like literally each and every single one of them wants it in 'em.

  4. I'm very glad to see the Open for business day back!

  5. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Oh boy, I'm glad their open for business. There is not one hairy hole here that I would NOT burrow into today. We have been having a very chilly Spring time here so far in Massachusetts with some nasty winds and rains. And to boot, some snow this morning.

    I'd like to give them equal business, "BUTT" I have a feeling I would spend more time with #8, and #10!! They just have that look, that says "Come on in", make yourself comfortable. Oh and #10, loving your hairy legs.

  6. Now, this is a crack epidemic I could get behind!
    As a real estate proposition, would I want to live in Hole View Estates or on a lushly landscaped Under Ball Alley?

  7. Thanks very much for the feedback, guys! Always appreciated! Of this lot, I might have to go for Lucky No. 7!

  8. Didn't stop by the blog yesterday...boy did I ever miss out. Today's post is mouth watering but THIS ONE.....
    I would have to say it is
    "DICK TWITCHING"! Damn you made me horny!
