Thursday, April 2, 2020

Open for Business!


  1. Oh, they're all totally and 100% ready to take it.

    I'd do most of 'em, yup!

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    I hope you guys like rimmers, because all 10 of you handsome big boys are going to get my business today. Wow what a buffet of open invites!!

    Tough I will list the order of which I'm go to do my shopping, #5,#6,#1,#8,#10,#3,#4,#7,#2, and 9#... If things don't go the way as planned, I be more than happy to go in the reverse order. Have to admit I might stay longer at #5 place, his feet are going to also get the royal treatment.

    Ok guys I'm on my way out the door.

    Thanks Koba, great job

  3. I'm hungry now and I just ate breakfast . Numbers four and ten would be main courses while the others, snacks during the day. Excuse me while I go wipe the drool off. Thank you .

  4. They all look delectable, but I have to admit I'd love to rim numner 1,3, and 8! :p

  5. Mmmm
    Very nice asses
    You must see my new blog:

  6. DAYUM!...LOVE that sexy guy in PICTURE NUMBER SEVEN with the camouflage hat who is showing off his smooth ass and those big loose balls and that delicious looking extra thick cock!...mmmmm! me hard!
