Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tuesday Ramifications


  1. What movie or documentary is the prime video picture from? Guys getting massages?!

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Terrific Tuesday Ramifications Koba.

    #1) Just a little more big guy, and it will be in. You took one for the team:)

    #2) Holy F-ck, it's a good thing that bottom is in the frog position. Once that monster gets in buried in his tight hole, he'll take a leap forward!!!

    #3) Buddy your cock is trying to tell you, I'm just around the corner.

    #4) Nice day, and this dude is letting it all hang out!!

    #5) Ok, Ok, handsome we get it, your getting great head. Both of you are lucky bastards.

    #6) Oh my, someone's looking for "extra credit"!!!

    #7) By the looks of it, I think someone's "button" has been pushed. My would I love to get on the top's fat balls, while the bottom goes for that sweet ride.

    #8) Someone's getting a lukewarm bath:)

    #9) Wouldn't mind that job at all, not at all:):)

    #10) Well boys with be boys. Have to get the goo out!!!

    Thanks Koba

  3. Thanks, as always, Scott! And Jesseryker, sorry, but I have no idea where No. 9 is from.

  4. Too much cum is wasted in this world...

  5. Ha ha ha nice.. I’m with u there... 🍆💦👅
