Sunday, February 23, 2020

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: PLEASE VOTE ONLY ONCE, AND PLEASE VOTE FOR ONLY ONE COCK. That said, the boys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win


  1. Number one by 100 miles.

    Do you have a full-frontal of the 2nd photo from yesterday? Hairy bearded guy in the red trunks?

  2. 4 but 6 is a close second!

  3. I'm sorry, Koba, but I couldn't possibly choose one this week. I will, however, say the ones that caught my eye: Numbers 2, 6, 8, 9, and 10. Whichever one wins will be worthy in my book.

  4. Hard to pick this wee Kona. I’ll go with 2

  5. A hard choice this week (as usual),this week between No. 5, 6, 9. I'll give my vote this week to No. 5.

  6. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Kept going "up and down", looking at all those beautiful cocks and finally decided to vote for Cock#8!!

    High honorable mentions to all the fine slabs of man-meat today!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If it was a 'Best Balls' contest I would opt for #1. But for best cock I'd choose #2.

  9. I like to see the whole man when I pick winning cock so I pick #5. He is perfect. Erik

  10. Going by cock alone I have to say #2 (though #9 is the best overall package).

  11. As pretty as #2 is, I'm going with that uncut beauty on #9!

  12. La polla nĂºmero 6

  13. I like #1 and his HUGE balls.

  14. Number 6. all the way in!

  15. #2, that gorgeous veiny slab of steak gets my vote!

  16. Please let me have cock #1. I am not into beards, but cock #1 is well accessorized by large low hangers of several mouthfuls in size!
