Friday, July 26, 2019

Thank God it's Friday!


  1. Thank God It's G R E T S Z K Y!!!!!
    Koba .....What's this? A little homoerotic twist on our Canadian sports heroes. Good shot of #99
    Creig, a fellow Canadian

  2. Which one is it??? Who is #99??? Not fair for you Canadians to have an inside joke and not share with us Yanks.

  3. Cy: No. 1 is indeed Wayne Gretsky! The one and only! The pic is from years ago. He's retired now, but he was a very hot guy!

  4. There should be a great big uncut cock under all those suds, if I'm not mistaken!

  5. This must have been some hazing ritual. If u look closely it looks like the 'Great Ones'foreskin poking out under the bubbles in #1! Lol! Fuck didnt know Koba had a thing for Gretzky!!! Have a good weekend dudes.

  6. Jack up the tunes boys!!! Here's Cdn. Hawksley Workman's tribute to our #1 Hockey Heroe...........................
    "Warhol's portrait of GRETSZKY,
    Pretty FUCKING SEXY, Pretty FUCKING SEXY, Oh Oh"...........................
    A good weekend to all u dudes!

  7. Hi Koba,
    Thanks for the info. Obviously I've heard of the great Gretzsky, but since I'm not Canadian nor a big hockey fan I had no idea what he looked like. He looks cute in suds.
