Saturday, May 25, 2019

Weekend Warriors!


  1. Have a safe holiday weekend these warriors got me he’d abd bothered

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, Wonderful Weekend Warriors here Koba!!

    #1) Oh man, would I love to get this hairy beast behind those bushes and get my nose deep in that beautiful man-bush of his. Nice powerful chest and arms to!!

    #2) Holy sniff nips Batman, let me at those babies:)

    #3) When you come back from battle sir, I promise I will THANK-YOU for you services!! Woof

    #4) F--k, I want to play "follow the leader" with these two fine beefy "rump roasts" dudes:) Right up my alley, thanks Koba:)

    #5) "Excellent job young man, now I'm going to show you my appreciation"!! Wow perfect bodies on these Warriors, YOUNG and OLDER:)

    #6) Love to get him in my bed tonight, and share a half gallon of vanilla ice-cream. Woof!!! Koba I had a very busy day, and I bet you have to, But could you find it in your heart to give us a "caption this pic". I know short notice on my part and you have a COTBC tomorrow. So if you can't do it, I understand completely.

    #7) Lucky bastard. Having a nice taste of his pre, or just could be spit, either way you going to finish him off, and get a nice protein shake. That cock is a beauty.

    #8) Love it, don't know if you buddy knows your intentions, but I have a feeling he wont stop you. I'm assuming you do want to get you tongue in his musky hole...LOL..

    #9) Don't you dare move, I'm coming around the corner any second now, so don't put that hard cock back in your pants:)

    #10) That a boy, you took his nut with pride:):)

    Thanks Koba
