Monday, May 6, 2019

Back to the grind...


  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Great Back to the Grind posting Koba!!

    #1) F-ck ya, I taught this young man well, always lick his sweaty funky pit, BEFORE he showers:)

    #2) Oh my, like to be "behind" this beefy hairy dude, washing his back and feeling those big arms:)

    #3) That's it young man, let him take a much needed break:)

    #4) Must be getting hot for this hunky tool belt worker. I'm working up a sweat, just by watching him get undressed:)

    #5) Oh yeah, makes it easier to go back to work after some loving:)

    #6) Ah the kiss, the boners, these dudes are ready for action:)

    #7) F--k ya, young man, I'd be smiling to, if I was the owner of a long dong like yours:)

    #8) Oh yeah let's play doctor!! Now let me suck your cock and see if you sperm count is "up" to par:):)

    #9) Hey well dressed cutie, you can come dressed to work everyday like that, as far as I'm concerned!!

    #10) Now that's some kind of BLAST-OFF:) Would have love to have my nose buried in his hairy taint as he shot his wad:)

    Thanks Koba
