Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday Hotness!

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Very hot Thursday Hotness posting Koba!!

    #1) Whoa!!! Wait, big boy, before you close the shower curtain, I want to smell all your funky hairy parts!! Oh don't worry I'll suck a nut out of you to. VERY NICE COCK AND BALLS, handsome!!

    #2) Two cuties, with beautiful eyes and ERECTIONS:) Ah, bromances nothing like them.

    #3) MY, my,what beautiful man-bush!! I personally wouldn't mind one bit, you taking your underwear off:):)

    #4) OH hairy handsome cocksucker, you don't have to wait for his approval, he's more than ready:)

    #5) I'll leave it at this: "I know where my nose is going first:):):)

    #6) Oh these boys are going to get along just fine:)

    #7) I'm SO ENVIOUS:(:(:( I want to be with these sweet beefy dudes, sharing the love:)

    #8) WOW, Koba, I didn't know my buddy Jeff submitting a pic of his nip!!! OH ya, well I'm on his pointy sniff nips, he squealing ah "That's the ticket"!!!!

    #9) Hey enjoy the sunshine handsome, but if I was you I would hide that foot of yours. There is this dude name Scott that would be on those toes in seconds.

    #10) I'll speak for myself, on this one. That's my mine goal when I suck cock. I want his goo, it shows me, I did a great job. Might I add, a job that I love to do.

    Thanks Koba
