Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday Hotness!


  1. Ok, now you are really raisign the expectation for tomorrow... I'm getting the same pre-cum of picture #9!

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, Thursday hotness is right Koba!!

    #1) "Me Tarzan you Jane", hey buddy I'll be anything you want. What a powerful chest:)

    #2) Buddy stay on that big boy's cock, because I'm coming over to get my mouth on YOUR beautiful hard cock. Um, since your already in the "doggie position" could I taste your man-hole:) I hope 3 is not a crowd for ya!!!!!

    #3) Com-on dude, you don't have to get dressed behind closed doors. The world has to see those wonderful man legs and one perfect cock. Man would I love to get that baby hard, and lick your loose balls!! Woof:)

    #4) Men are so Strong, yet so Sensitive. What a great pic. I could look at this pic for hours. Thanks Koba.

    #5) Awesome man legs. Oh dude, you can leave your slippers under my bed anytime:)

    #6) Please, please, you hairy masculine man you, DON'T HIDE YOU HARD COCK. We are all men here, and I personally would like to take care of it:)

    #7) You lucky bastard, sandwiched between these taller boys. Indeed I think you are all going to have a good time:)

    #8) LOL..I think someone is very proud of his biceps. Don't blame you one bit buddy-boy, you've worked very hard for them. Um, since your in that position would you mind a tongue bath on your sweaty hairy pit? Just asking???

    #9) Wow, that is some "nectar of the gods":):)

    #10) Indeed, this dude, knows where his pleasure button is. F--k, that's one nice thick cock:):)

    Thanks Koba

  3. I hope someone is on his knees just out of the frame of pic 1
