Saturday, March 23, 2019

Weekend Warriors!


  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, Wonderful Weekend Warriors, great job Koba!

    #1) Hey you big chested leather hairy beast, leave your nips alone, let ME get them nice and hard for ya. Wow!!

    #2) Now these young warriors, know how to protect the "family jewels"!!

    #3) "Ah, there goes that Scott dude again, going flippy, after each of Koba's posting. Man it's like he's never seen cock and balls before. Grow up dude". That's how Koba followers are captioning this photo. LMAO

    #4) Hey you big hairy beast, lets get in back of that rig of yours. I see a couple of hairy parts that I'd love to explore in depth:)

    #5) Don't you worry buddy, that "cocksucker" know's what he's doing. He not getting of your meat till he gets the gravy:)

    #6) So, "sky's the limit" huh? O.k. then you smiling cutie you, get ready, I'm going from head to toe (literally).!!

    #7) OH Paddy Cakes, put the handsome bottom out of his misery. Stick it to him "butt" good!!!:):)

    #8) Yes indeed, I'm headed to the gym today. I swear if anyone leaves their sweaty funky underwear on the floor while their showering, I'm taking a nice deep whiff!!!

    #9) F--k, would I love to be on my knees between these two, while they share a tender moment:) Those cocks are beauties:)

    #10) That a boy handsome, now take a much needed nap. Woof!!

    Thanks Koba

  2. #4 but 5 pretty close 2nd


  3. WOW!...i sure got a thing for the HOT SEXY STUD in the bottom pic with the BIG THICK TASTY LOOKING BONER!...OOOH!...SUCH HOTNESS!
