Monday, March 4, 2019

Back to the grind - and another snowy grind it is here in eastern Canada...

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    I hear you Koba.. We had 8 inches overnight. Tonight it's supposed to get VERY VERY Cold. I've done a lot of shoveling, an hopefully this hot posting will keep me nice and warm and toasty and help with my sore muscles.

    #1) Oh yeah, this pic did it. I'm nice and warm already and the only sore muscle I have now, is my cock! Wow, what a thick juicy slab of hogger. Woof, what a hot dude

    #2) Be careful guys, I won't be at the gym today, to be the look-out guy for ya. Happy "nutting" dudes!!!:)

    #3) Ah a thick piece of man-meat like that in my mouth, would warm the cockles of anyone's heart:):)

    #4) When it comes to sucking cock, two is definitely better, than one. Lucking bastard.

    #5) Oh you bulging young man, what are you waiting for??? Get down on your knees, spread those gorgeous beefy hairy cheeks and get your nose right up his hairy hole. "Oh, it's your first time"? "Trust me, it's and acquired taste, that you will get to love":) Well that's if you're into men.

    #6) Koba, I don't know how you keep getting these pics of me, when I'm trying to take that first push up my "pucker".

    #7) Ah, sunny skies like that with temp in the 70's would make me "spring" to life:)

    #8) Yup, it's definitely time for a nice cup of hot tea, with a nice chocolate eclair:)


    #10) Now this dude has the right idea, I'm going to "crank out a nut" right now.:) Thanks buddy for the suggestion.

    Thanks Koba
