Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday Hotness!

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow Thursday Hotness is right Koba!! I needed this post on this 2 degree day here in Ma.

    #1) Com-on guys, how come you didn't ask me to come out and play:(

    #2) Fu-k ya dude, if I ever got my mouth on that nice thick cock of yours, not only would your tongue be moving side to side, but your would be going cross-eyed, when I make you shoot your wad. Oh btw, I'm going near that beautiful hairy taint of yours:) Woof!!

    #3) Nice arms buddy-boy, and that nip of yours, looks mighty inviting. You also stay in great shape..Woof

    #4) Paddy cakes, is certainly getting a sweet BJ, now dude, don't forget about Paddy's balls:)

    #5) Hey curved cock, hairy dude, let me have some of that tummy fur. Just beautiful indeed:)

    #6) Woof!! Fuck the gym, I'm going over to this funky pitted dudes place and get in that comfy bed. Oh yeah buddy, I'll take good care of you. Please, have you way with me!!

    #7) Wow, some nice arms buddy boy, and dude you really work your legs. Oh yeah, and that bulge likes YUMMY:)

    #8) UP, UP, and away, Superman to the rescue:)

    #9) Someone is leaking sweet "nectar of the gods":)

    #10) Oh my, these young man are down on getting dirty to get clean:)

    Thanks Koba
