Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday Ramifications...

Hey guys, with the demise of Tumblr, where has everyone gone? Please post in the Comments section if you know of or have a new platform. Thanks!


  1. Right now I'm sitting in a corner, weeping quietly and hoping someone fixes this.

  2. Tumblr is gone. Good riddance. They closed mine weeks ago. That’s why I’m back to blogger. There’ll be an open microblogging platform soon. I know some geeky kid is already hard at work on it.
    Hopefully, it
    L be open to smut from the beginning, like tumblr and won’t be sold to Verizon, like tumblr.

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said....

    I'm not very computer savory, but I hope nothing happens to Koba's blog. I went into a depression, when they got rid of Craigslist personal sections. Leave us the fuck alone. What's wrong with two adults trying to hookup with each other. Go after all the freaking drunk drivers, and drug dealers and leave us "cocksuckers" alone.

    Koba I'll be back to comment on this fine posting.
