Saturday, November 24, 2018



  1. #4 is my favorite but I always like your picture choices.

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, great Weekenders here Koba!

    #1) Sweet dreams are made are made of this:)

    #2) Ah, now that is one cozy couch:)

    #3) When the "mood" strikes, go for it:):)

    #4) Oh my, where do I want to go first with my tongue. That cocksucker exposed "pucker"? or those spread legs and feet of the lucky recipient of the great head he's getting?

    #5) What a man, What a man, what a lovely fine man. I'm in love. Please don't put your underwear on yet, let me come over, and let's have a go at it. That is one nice piece you have between your gorgeous legs and loving those loose balls of yours:)

    #6) Smiling cutie is happy to be taking a tubby. Hot date tonight buddy boy?????:)

    #7) After you get on top of the mountain, how about getting on top of me? I'll take care of that beautiful bulge your packing.

    #8) Lucky bastard, and savior the gravy that he's going to give you.

    #9) Oh yes bask in your own masculinity, but if you don't mind company, I have plenty of places I would like to a whiff of, on you:) Just beautiful!!!

    #10) This young man, knows exactly how to enjoy a warm day!!

    Thanks Koba

  3. #1, 5 and 9 really do it for me!!!
