Friday, November 16, 2018

Thank God it's Friday!


bignate said...

That reminds me, I need to join a rugby team ...

Koba said...

You and me both, BigNate!
And I'd like to see the "whole meal deal" re No. 4 as well, Tony!

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

Wow, TreMENdous TGIF posting Koba!!

#1) One dude is certainly happy to be showering it "up" with the boys!!

#2) Now these chaps know how to celebrate a team victory:)

#3) Oh you little cutie pie, what I could do to your "rump roast" and balls with my tongue, while your big armed buddy has his mouth full of your meat:) Nice ass

#4) LMAO.. I don't know if this pic would be so easy to caption or so very, very hard. I mean I don't even know what to say about it now. So just maybe, just maybe Koba will make us caption it????

#5) Ah those "City Lights" by Liza.. yup showing my age!!!!!

#6) Buddy, I love the trails to, but some advice, make sure you know what poison ivy looks like!!!!!

#7) Hell buddy you enjoy that meal now, you won't want anything to eat come Thanksgiving on Thursday:)

#8) Ah sometime life is good being in the PITS:):) I know I have not used that one in a long time. Usually I give my stock answer "I love you Koba" when he shows hairy funky pits:)

#9) Just a beautiful naked guy. What a sexy picture!!

#10) Two things, I want to kiss him now, and second what a nice trimmed beautiful beard.

Thanks Koba