Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday Ramifications!

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts siad...

    Terrfic Tuesday Ramifications Koba!!

    I just love seeing the big boys take it up the bum. This one seems to be enjoying that nice slab of meat up his "pucker"!!

    #2) A very hairy situation taking place here. I reeks of masculinity:)

    #3) Ah kissing a nice cheeky cheek, while you have a finger in the "cookie jar":)

    #4) Oh my, everyone is keeping their fingers warm today. It is a chilly day here, in New England:)

    #5) Nice slab of dark meat keeping warm in a hairy hole. Nothing wrong with that at all:)

    #6) I know you have to catch your "nut" guys, but I would hurry it up. Pound him hard and fast, you never know who's going to come along.

    #7) Go for it dude. GO IN WITH YOUR TONGUE:):):)

    #8) Love to be patting and kissing those hairy cheeks, while his "button" is being tickled.

    #9) That top knows how to fuck the cum out of a bottom bitch!!!

    #10) Oh I would, clean that up in a heartbeat:)

    Thanks Koba
