Friday, October 12, 2018

Thank God it's Friday!


  1. I absolutely love Dato Foland and Paddy O'Brien!!!! Of course in separate pics but both very hot men!! Some VERRRY HOT pics in this post!

  2. #1 Is this a deleted scene from The Lord of the Rings?

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Great TGIF posting Koba!!

    #1) I do love all kinds of men, but there is something about Tall men. They did a study and tall men actually get more respect than shorter men (like me),'m 5ft9 at best. Oh, I'm getting off the subject as usual. Anyways, pic is VERY hot, both hot dudes with nice hairy legs. Fu-k that tall dude must have a size 14 foot. They will find a way to have a great time in bed. BTW, Love the soap dispenser gadget.

    #2) Missed the gym today, hopefully get there tomorrow, and with a little luck find myself getting on my knees:):)

    #3) Wow, cute hairy butt, love to see it in action with that eager bottom, that is already spreading his legs:)

    #4) Spread those nice hairy legs of yours and let me at your cock. Oh and I'll lick your beautiful "treasure trail":)

    #5) Hey big guy, stop giving us the evil eye, nobody is going to take your dinner away from you. Lucky bastard. But would you be willing to let me suck you gorgeous slab of meat?

    #6) Oh yeah, get a little taste of his foreskin, and make that turtle come out of it's shell. Trust me, it will:):)

    #7) Woof, time well spent in the gym. Now stop teasing us, and let's see the goods:)

    #8) Faster buddy, faster, get that nut out, before someone comes I hope there's a lookout dude for you. I would be your lookout dude, one eye to see if someone's coming in, and one eye, watching you slap your meat:):)

    #9) Nice way to spend a nice fall day. Now get inside someplace and get into a cozy "69"!!!!:):):)

    #10) Com-on now, KISS HIM. Show him the love:)

    Thanks Koba
