Thursday, October 25, 2018


Dating myself, I know, but I jerked off to this guy more times than I can count! From a 1985 (!) edition of Honcho Magazine!  Back when porn was in "hard" copy! Anyone else remember him?


  1. Hi Koba,
    Can't say I remember him eventho I was a regular reader of Honcho. Would love to help him take off his wetsuit.

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    LOL.. Koba, you naughty, naughty boy, yanking on your fishing pole to this hot stud.

    I'll try to keep this short (I know I can be long-winded, and some of you guys, are most likely saying "Oh not him again).

    I came out rather late, I don't know 24 or 25, and I didn't know what exactly what this homosexuality things was. But I do know I liked looking at men. So I would find my brother's Penthouses and look for the "men", they would always have a feature with a female and male couple.. My addiction really speeded up.. I would buy Hustler, because they to, would have male and females doing it. Then Oui, then Swank, and on, and on, and on.. Oh my goodness then came Playgirl.. I never got enough.. Oh the money I spent on the mags. Just like my addiction to alcohol, one was to many, a thousand never enough. Gave up my addiction to alcohol, but NOT TO LOOKING and having sex with DUDES, that's for sure,

    When I moved into my own apt, and came out ( well, coming out in Central Ma, is mostly just the family finding out on their own, through the grapevine. I HAD NO SUPPORT AT ALL.

    OH man, now we are spoiled, and I love it... NAKED BEEFY Men, from you blog to many other blogs out there. We have come a long way baby. Btw, I made up for lost time, I really can't tell you, how many cocks I have sucked.

    Just go home from the gym, and spilled by seed on the locker room floor, (yes I wiped it up) and now I will go to today's Koba Thursday and comment on his hot pics.

    You won't hurt my feeling Koba, if you or anybody else, just says "Scott just answer the gd question.

    Thanks Koba

  3. Totally remember him! Oh, Honcho, Mandate, Blueboy...
    BTW the Anonymous story? Loved it!

  4. He has that distinctive Kristen Bjorn look. I could tell before I zoomed in that it was a KB photo shoot.

  5. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Thanks Sixpence Nottewiser. Man, now when I watch the old reruns of certain shows, I say to myself, how could I have not known they had sexual gay content to the meaning, or even that they were playing gay characters. Oh this dude, HAS EYES WIDE OPEN NOW.

    Sixpence Notthewiser, how can I check out our blog? Can you put the whole name of your blog in your reply?


  6. I always hated when the directors of these shoots would call for the men to be flacid! Playgirl had this policy that their models all be flacid or it might make women feel threatened. I was like spssssht if they feel threatened by an erection they shouldn't be buying these magazines!

  7. I had just turned 18 in Oct. of 85, to have known then what I know now, maybe I would have been a bigger slut than what I am now.

  8. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    LMAO, I'm with you Timo... If they ever had a "bathhouse" in my "closeted" town, well just let me put it this way. "Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore"

  9. LOL! I was a horny 23-year-old when that issue came out!

  10. Hot! Do you guys know if there are any paper-printed sex-magazines for gay men? I want some

  11. LOL... I might be like looking for a United States telephone booth, (with a phone that works, the kind with the glass door that closes, so you could take in privacy and not get wet on a rainy day. It's almost like your local newspaper, their becoming, one day they will be non-extentant.

    Busting your balls buddy, (well not about the phone booths, in the US or about the newspapers.

    Some adult stores still sell some smut mags.
