Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Hump Day!


bignate said...

Happy Hallo-peen!

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

Wow, love is in the air on this, Happy Hump Day, and Happy Halloween posting. Great post Koba!

#1) Could be their wedding day, or they could be going to a Halloween ball costume party as Mr and Mr Handsome. Very nice pic indeed:)

#2) Oh young man, this being Halloween I would suck those blue balls to they were green with envy:):)

#3) Indeed this hot dude has one fine "yellow submarine" with some nice floating devices to keep him grounded:) You have to enlarge the pic to see why I caption this pic)

#4) With it being Halloween this young man has found a "candy-stick" with a nice gooey surprise inside. Start sucking young man.

#5) Sometimes nothing like a good old fashioned hand job. It always does the job.

#6) Now that's a sweet treat, sucking on a nice stiff nip)

#7) Now this is what I call a "sporting event" You go dudes, and go, and go:) Till you get a nice surprise in your mouths:)

#8) Gays do love the Halloween holiday. To bad they will have to put on a costume OR will they?????

#9) AHHHHH, crank one out, for the World Series Championship winners, the Boston Red Sox.. Sorry Koba had to get that in.. Huge parade down in Boston today.

#3) F--k ya, that would me pitching a tent, watching this fine show:)

Thanks Koba