Monday, September 3, 2018

Labour Day Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    WOW, one great Labor day posting Koba..

    #1) Someone sure is enjoying what their watching:):)

    #2) Buddy you keep sucking on that nice thick piece of meat, while I get on his beautiful loose balls (sweet mercy those are nice):):)

    #3) I bet these two don't mind working on this Labor day:)

    #4) Just love that tremendous "treasure trail":)

    #5) Instant boner for me.. I do love me a set of beefy hairy legs, along with those beefy butt cheeks.. Thanks Koba:):)

    #6) That a boy, get a good whiff, of the leftovers of the sweaty male crotch:)

    #7) If I'm not mistaken, I would take that as an "open" invitation:)

    #8) Nice arms, smiley:)

    #9) Ah the smell of sweet sausage cooking, will definitely wake him up!!!:)

    #10) All they need now is a couple of bagels to put that "cream cheese" on:):)

    Thanks Koba
