Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday Ramifications...

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, one TERRIFIC Tuesday Ramifications posting Koba!!

    #1) I have a good feeling that young lad, is going to get more than some fingers up his "pucker" sooner or later:)

    #2) Man I think I'm hypnotized by those bouncing balls, I can't take my eyes off them:):) Just beautiful!!!!!

    #3) When a dude puts his legs up like that for another dude, you KNOW what's going to take place:):):)

    #4) Spring has SPRUNG for these dudes:):) Enjoy!!!

    #5) I could watch this stud paint all day:)

    #6) You keep sucking, While I come over and take care of his backside, with my tongue:)

    #7) Plump ass, taking a plump cock. Mercy me!!!!:):):)

    #8)* YOU DO LOVE ME KOBA!!!! Hey it's not for everyone, but I'm with this dude:) Guys don't hate me, but I can go both ways, but I'm just into a dudes foot and not a womens.. Go figure, I can't????????

    #9) What a nice broad back that bottom has. A very nice black and white photo:)

    #10) YOU GO YOUNG MAN, he's appreciating that cleanup job:):)

    Thanks Koba, *Special thanks for pic #8
