Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Hump Day!

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, this Hump Day posting made me Happy:) Great job Koba!

    #1) Ok, Mr jock, the game is over, time to take a shower and show your cock:):):)

    #2) Yup, Big boy, has it right, Long-John season is approaching. Man does he wear them well. Woof

    #3) Oh dude, after the pic, turn around and get you nose in your buddy's butt. It certainly looks like a nice one:) You both look very comfortable.

    #4) Oh my, Docking Cocking:)

    #5) Wow, Thanksgiving came a day early for this lucky cocksucker, Man that is one Thick cock:)

    #6) This young man won't go thirsty!!

    #7) Yes indeed, put some lotion on your asses, you don't won't oven baked burnt buns:(

    #8) Nobody has to teach a man, how to do this...LOL... Instinct takes over, when we have to get the "nut" out:)

    #9) Mercy me, uncut cocks, makes the best sweet "nectar" of the gods.

    #10) You certainly got what you worked for:) Fine job indeed!!

    Thanks Koba
