Monday, November 20, 2017

And the winner is...

... by one vote, this week's winner is Cock No. 8 with 7 votes in all. Second place is a two-way tie between Cock Nos. 4 and 9 with each receiving 6 votes, and third place is also a two-way tie between Cock Nos. 2 and 7 with each of them receiving 5 votes! This week's Koba' Choice Award goes to our overall winner, Cock No. 8! Congrats to the winner and many thanks to all those who participated! Have a great week, guys!


  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Congrats to the winner, that is indeed a fine slab of man-meat!!

    Honestly dudes, I'm not a size Queen, (love them all), but every now and then, one does really get my butter churning, and this one did.


  2. Congratulations to this week's winner! Your award is awaiting at my place!
