Saturday, October 21, 2017

More of my soccer crush - Eden Hazard!


  1. too bad you don't have a nude shot.

  2. Do not follow Soccer much down here in Australia but i think i now have a new Man to crush on he is so HOT what Nationality is he

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Oh my Koba, you really have a "chub" for Eden, and who could blame you. But I bet you would love to scratch the eyes out on team member #4, pic# 10, for the nice pat on that fine ass he's given your man-crush!!!!

    Just imagine, Koba, all those lucky teammates get to see him BAREASSED in the locker room and showers.

    Have I tortured you enough yet???? Sorry (well not really), I like busting your balls:) I think it's very sweet.

    Hold on to your BF tight tonight, when you go beddie bye, as you dream of your soccer crush:):):)

  4. Haha! You bet, Scott! I would do a lot to be able to shower with Eden!

    And Jeff, he is from Belgium. His brother has now been drafted to play on a team as well. Both his parents were professional soccer players, if I'm not mistaken. Good genes!
