Monday, October 30, 2017

And the winners are...

... with 8 votes each, this week's winners are Cock Nos. 7 and 9! Second place goes to Cock No. 5 with 5 votes, and third place is rounded out by Cock No. 8 with three votes! This week's Koba's Choice Award goes to Cock No. 1! Congrats to the winners and many thanks to all those who participated! Have a great week, guys!


  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Congrats to the winners!!! Impressive slabs of man-meat:)


  2. Many CONGRATS to this week's winners!

    It was a mighty difficult decision that most of us had for the week of October 29 to November 5, 2017!

  3. Hi,
    I guess there's no rule of thumb when assessing peoples cocks. Everybody has their own personal favorite. My favorite came in third. At least I was in the money this time. Usually my picks don't win, but as I said there no accounting for peoples tastes.
