Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday Night Bonus! Ben Cohen!

He's uncut!


  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Any sighting of Big Ben is a Bonus, than you very much Koba!!

    I think this is the very first time I saw my boy completely naked..SWEET Mercy me:):)

    Yes sir re bob, just like your Eden Hazard man-crush Koba, I have a hard-on for Gentle Ben:):)

  2. I have the video of he masrurbating xD

  3. Whoa! I would like to see that!

  4. I can send to you via email if you want :D

  5. Yes, that would be great, Demian! Thanks!

  6. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Guys, I hate to be a doubting Thomas, but seriously, I just don't see Ben Cohen making a video with him masturbating for public viewing. Though there is nothing wrong with masturbating at all, I just don't think he would do it for public display.

  7. Just saw the video, Scott, and it's definitely Ben! The quality isn't great (it's like he's face-timing with someone or something), but it's Ben!

  8. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Well gentlemen, I think you are right. I know Ben (a former professional rugby player), is a big supporter of gay rights and very against bullying of any kind. My kind of guy.

    I guess though I haven't been staying in tuned with my man-crush. I thought he was happily married, and I just read that he is now divorced and has a new female partner. I will do some more reading on Gentle Ben.

    Thanks Koba, and Demian for the heads up!!!

  9. Yep he is wanking on busted
