Friday, May 5, 2017

Thank God it's Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, on this rather cool, drizzly day in Central Mass, what a HOT TGIF posting Koba!

    #1) F--k ya, the boys are are having good clean fun, in the showers, most likely celebrating a victory, very hot indeed.. That looks like a very big gang shower:):):):)

    #2) Hell ya, grab onto your buddy's big calf and take care of his jock cock:)

    #3) OH my, young man, you might need both hands, if your going to crank a "nut" out of that beauty:)

    #4) Com-on buddy, let him out to, that fine piece of meat has to get clean to:)

    #5) Now there's something to "work" with..LOL..:)

    #6) Sure rub it in cocksucker, (with that sly look your giving us), we know that your a lucky bastard:):)

    #7) Oh yeah, I'm picking up the scent young man. Don't move that arm, I'll be right there.

    #8) F--k, you have every right, to be wearing those Superman underwear!!! What a great hairy build body:)

    #9) LMAO.. Now that's what I would love to see "hanging" in my locker room. Look at that beautiful ass:):):)

    #10) OH my goddness gracious, our cocks can get us in a lot of trouble, they definitely have a mind of their own. By the looks of it, that is one happy cock, that just got done "nutting":):)

    Thanks Koba
