Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thursday Hotness!

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, Thursday Hotness is right Koba, great posting!!

    #1) By the looks of it, Koba, has spotted his man-crush, Eden Hazard, swimming in the lake:):)

    #2) Ca-ching, this cocksucker, has hit the jackpot:) Woof

    #3) Mercy me, Cock heaven for this "cocksucker":)

    #4) Hey big boy, your a handsome devil:)

    #5) Handsome is enjoying a nice warm drink, from the fountain of youth:)

    #6) A sure signs of maculintiy.. Hairy chest and nice muscles:) Woof

    #7) Yup, you got it right kid, jerk your own dick, while your sucking a "nut" out of a nice slab of man-meat:)

    #8) MY, my, another hairy handsome dude, with nice arms:) Woof

    #9) Who can turn the world on with his smile.. and his nice dong, and his nice arms, and his nice chest, ah hell, nice everything:) Woof

    #10) SWEET.. Now kiss me:):):)

    Thanks Koba
