Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday Ramifications...

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Terrific Tuesday Ramifications Koba!

    #1) You go Colby. swing those balls and give that bottom bitch what he craves:)

    #2) F-ck ya, someone's button was just hit:)

    #3) Now, that a MOUTHFUL:)

    #4) Stop the train, I want to get on:)

    #5) That long dong will certainly hit this bottoms prostate:)

    #6) Oh don't mind me, I just LOVE to watch, I promise, I leave after I "nut":)

    #7) Now that's a workout:)

    #8) Very hot, that is some stud, making that bottom very happy:)

    #9) Yup that's all there is to entry, lift jock down, lift shirt up, and put stiff cock in hole:)

    #10) Oh yes indeed, I have made a few dudes shoot, just my tonguing their love buttons:):)

    Thanks Koba
