Sunday, February 5, 2017

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far!  It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: please vote only once, and please vote for only one cock. That said, the boys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!


  1. #6 - with balls filled to bursting

  2. What a bountiful banquet of bulky butt-cleavers. I'll take 7

  3. I will pick up #5.

  4. Now that I have learned to deep-throat anything that cubs along, I will take #10. and hope his balls are fully loaded

  5. Koba...I was hoping the COB would be all Tom Brady look-a-likes since we are having the Super Bowl in the states today....I'll vote for 5 hoping it is Brady and hoping that he gets his 5th Super Bowl ring today. Go Pats !

  6. tough this week, but i'll go with #1

  7. tough this week, but i'll go with #1

  8. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    All, Super Bowl worthy cocks today, great job Koba!!!

    I don't know what it is, but I keep going back to cock #5, so that's who I'm voting for.. Dude, I hope your getting dressed to come over my place this evening to watch the big game. Oh and at half time, I have my eyes on Lady Ga Ga, but I'll have my mouth on that beautiful medium uncut thick fat cock of yours:):):) Sorry for being so long on Cock of the Block contest, but it is Super Bowl Sunday!!!!!

    OH yeah, and very high honerable mentions to all the fine slabs of man-meat:)


  9. There is one hell of a bounty of succulently gorgeous cock on display this week. As a result of this, I'm unable to cast a vote for only one! Sorry, Koba!

    Enjoy the rest of the second week of February!

  10. #2 - nice thick soon to be hard cock - yum

  11. I'm torn this week between #s 10 and 8. Since #10 is sitting up and begging for attention, I'll vote for #10 this week.

  12. Long, hard, and a downward curve: #10

  13. not into beards so ill go with #7 clearly a winner in any ones bed!!!
