Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tuesday Ramifications...

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Sorry for the late comments Koba, on this great Tuesday Ramifications posting!

    #1) Man, I wish I was a spectator at this glorious event. Wow, what a nice beefy bottom.:)

    #2) Sweet. You definitely know two men are doing the "nasty" on this bed:)

    #3) Com-on young man, those full balls need to be drained. Now do as nature intended...LOL:)

    #4) Now that's a slab of beef:)

    #5) Wow, this hairy legged handsome dude's button is being hit:):)

    #6) Oh yes, it might be winter, but these two young lads are all hot and bothered:):) They will catch their "nuts":)

    #7) F--k ya, you alpha male, show that bottom bitch who's boss:):)

    #8) Well you can't piss, till the boners go down, so what better way to help out your friends:):)

    #9) I'd like to follow his nice "treasure trail" down to his stretched golden nuggets:)

    #10) That's one way to clean up the sticky mess, that's going to be left in that bottoms's hairy hole.:)

    Thanks Koba
