Sunday, November 6, 2016

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far and that those in North America remembered to put their clocks back one hour last night! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: please vote only once, and please vote for only one cock. That said, the boys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!


  1. I'm going with #1 by the toss of a coin. I really liked #6.

  2. Difficult choices car this week. Gonna go with #5. Wow!!!

  3. Jeff from California picks #1 all the fat, chubby way.


  4. Unlike my fellow voters— I have a penchant for #s 2–3–4—and—8 this week but will cast my vote for NUMBER 3!!!

    3 3 3

  5. 1, 4 and 6 are my favs but my vote goes to #1. I want to ride on that train and that cock !

  6. gonna go with 6 this week but like the curve on 4, the kind that slides down your throat

  7. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, Koba, what a "collection of cocks" you gave us:)

    Man, I hopping on the next train, to get to that thick cock and those beatuiful balls, that belong to that young man:) WOW.. Cock #1 gets my vote today.

    Very High Honorable mentions to all the other fine slabs of beef!!

  8. There's something about plump cock #1 that had me from the get-go.

  9. Definitely #1,Nice.

  10. I like the magnificent #4

  11. #3 and #4 are my favourites...but #4 takes it for that awesoem downward curve - perfect for taking right down the throat...also, he's hot and his cock is a nice size...
