Saturday, May 28, 2016



  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wonderful Weekenders Koba!

    #1) Wow, those are some "happy" cocks:)

    #2) Oh Prince Harry, you always make my heart go "pitter patter":) Woof.. Now the big question is, are you sporting a PRINCE ALBERT, in those shorts?:)

    #3) Hey handsome smiley dude, Please show us more:) What a wonderful "treasure trail".

    #4) Woof, I do like me a big boy:):):)

    #5) OH you don't have to point, I can see that beautiful capped mushroom head.. WOW...

    #6) LOL.. Oh yeah, he found his way out, hey you can only contain a python like that for so long:):)

    #7) Two words: LUCKY BASTARD:):)

    #8) What a wonderful bathing beauty. Man would I love to see those fine Lilly white cheeks:):) Awesome body:)

    #9) Don't look so glum, young man, you just got a great Saturday night facial:):)

    Thanks Koba

  2. Let me at the royal peen!!! I'll "bow and scrape" and serve it faithfully!!!
