Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: please vote only once and please vote for only one cock! That said, the men are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win! 


  1. Number 8 please .

  2. Number 10 us so hot I could take him for desert and the main course

  3. that head on 6 is amazing...but will for #7 today

  4. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Oh yes indeed, after my workout today, and I hit the showers, I hope I have the opportunity of getting down on my knees and position myself to suck off that beautiful uncut cock. #6 gets my vote today.

    Honorable mentions, to all of the rest of the prime, man-meat.

  5. For me, it's #9, no contest!

  6. No 9 for me with 8 as second choice.


  7. 2016 has rendered up some very prime “male meat” each Sunday. Today is no exception. Because of the many hard, hot cocks that I’d like to have from the lot, I’ll cast my vote for NUMBER THREE in spite of…!

    3 3

  8. Jim from Austin said...

    #1 for me. I liked #3, but "old blue eyes" sorta made me melt!

  9. I'm having a hard time choosing between 2,3 & 7 this week. All three are truly worthy of the prize. I'll go with #3.

  10. Really, Soba! None of the above

  11. Damn, these men are handsome AF!!!
