Sunday, February 7, 2016

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, guys! I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: please vote only once and please vote for only one cock. That said, the dudes are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!


  1. vote for the smelling hairy (w)hole package #8

  2. Number 8 please! So cute!

  3. Had to toss a coin to decide between #5 and #9.


  4. What a tough competition!

    I would like to suck on all of them :-P

    But I guess the best is #3 :-)

  5. Scott from Massachusetts said.

    On this Super Bowl Sunday, I'm going thick, (just how I like my linebacker's...THICK)..

    With that said, Cock#6 gets my vote

    Honorable mentions to all the other great slabs of man-meat:)

    Thanks Koba, great job

  6. tough voting today but i think it comes down to 7 and 10 for me and i'll go with uncut 10

  7. Definitely No 2 for me.

  8. #7. What a perfect beauty

  9. Superbowl of cocks! Well done. My vote goes to #3, which is a perfect combo of traits for me.

  10. Jeff from California picks #1 but wow what an impressive line up today. They are all so nice.

  11. Number 2 hasn't got a chance to win, but he's my pick.
    Boy, would I love to help perk him up. Imagine that!

  12. One of the toughest votes I've had to do...but I'm gonna go with #6 - thick, uncut and perfect.

  13. What a great line up this week. #4 and #5 get my attention with #5 edging out!

  14. I love how uncut and thick number 1 is

  15. I can't choose between cocks #7, #8, #9 and #10. All four look hot and delectably suckable.

    I guess I'll have to toss a coin.

    #7 wins the toss - actually multiple tosses!

  16. Nick said...

    Cock #6
