Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday RamiFUCKations!


  1. Scott said...

    Wow, terrific Tuesday post Koba!!!

    #1) Wow, that chocolate covered BANANA, certainly got the job done:)

    #2) When two young bucks are in "heat" there's no stopping to the deed is done. And that is done:)

    #3) Holy vice grip Batman, that is one tight fit:):)

    #4) Now these boys are enjoying some water "sports":):)

    #5) Two men going at it, no doubt about that with all that hair:):)

    #6) I love this top.. seen him in a few vids.. not only does he have a great fun loving personality, but also a very nice body and nice piece of man-meat:)

    #7) THERE'S MY BOY, Cayden Ross, taking it like the trooper he is.. Love his body, those tats, and he has a nice "medium thickie" with nice fat balls:) and look at those powerful hairy legs:)

    Thanks Koba
