Wednesday, August 19, 2015

If Ifs, And, or Butts Competition!

Happy hump day, dudes! I have almost a full slate of competitors for you this week. You have nine butts from which to choose your favourite and vote for. Please vote only once and for only one butt!


  1. #4. A tough decision since there are so many fine choices this week.

  2. #8. Really tough choice. They all look so tasty

  3. I'm going with cute, little #2 today and his pretty, white cheeks. Jeff from California.

  4. like many commenters above they are all hot tongue wanting to dive in asses. I love more muscular hairy ass cheeks, love pulling the hairs between my lips .

  5. Scott said...

    Oh my goodness, the eagle has landed and so would I, on those nice hot hairy compact cheeks. Of course I would want to spread my wings and get in that hopefully equally hairy crack:) Hell who am I'm kidding, I'm horny, young man, just sit on my face.. Butt#3

  6. Difficult choice today...but I will go for #2...
