Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning. guys! I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, I ask you to follow two simple rules: please vote only once and please vote for only one cock! That said, the men are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!  


  1. #10 gets my vote.

  2. Jeff from California, who is visiting the east coast on vacation this week picks #10.


  3. There are five of the ten who pique my interests and desires, but of them-- I'll cast my vote for #3.

    If one of the other four wins, I'll be ok with this and await his company!!!

  4. I think a majority of men vote for size, but that doesn't always do it for me. I'm going with #5 this week. I like a nice cockpelt (pubes) around an uncut piece, and if the cock is dark, so much the better. That will do it every time for me.

  5. Damn, had to see most of these pics in HQ, in bigger size. :)

  6. Tough choice, but #3 is huge and gets my vote.

  7. Scott said...

    Wow, some really nice cocks Koba!!!

    I'm going for the dude down in the basement. Nice thick slightly curved uncut cock, that is pointing to the "UP" stairs:):):) Cock #6

    Honerable mention goes to the cutie with the nice dark bush:) #9

  8. Jim from Austin said......
    #4 for sure!
