Thursday, May 14, 2015

And the winners are...

... with 4 votes each, this week's winners are Butt No. 2 and Butt No. 9! Second place is also a tie between Butt Nos.3 and 4 with each of them receiving 2 votes! Third place is rounded out by Butt No. 7 with one vote. This week's Koba's Choice Award goes to Butt No. 4! Congrats to the winners and many thanks to all those who participated! Have a great day guys!


  1. Koba, Are you aware that many of the websites you list as congenial soul mates have actually expire? Perhaps some rainy day you might update the list and add more. Thanks for all the fun you provide.

  2. Scott said...

    Wow, the BEST OF THE BUTTS:)

    Congrats to the winners, love the contrast, one hairy one smooth, BUTT both very BEAUTIFUL:)

  3. Darnit, I always miss the butt contest (smooch #5) this is a butt contest I can get into! But you need to have an easier to use Captcha...this one's horrible...doesn't work most of the time!
