Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thursday Hotness!

Good morning, dudes, and welcome to 2015!

1 comment:

  1. Scott said...

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year Koba.

    Wow what a way to usher in 2015!!!

    #1) Heck ya, that's the way to bring in the New Year, hold a handsome dude down with your hairy legs and foot, so he can enjoy your MEAT-STICK and big balls:)

    #2) Koba, you know we are a "sucker" for hairy pits.. Keep it going all thru 2015:):)

    #3) Again, we are also "suckers" for hairy legs and musky man taint. Oh yes and a nice cock and fat balls always helps:):)

    #4) I envy this handsome hairy dude going for a naked walk along the beach. I don't think it's even gong to make it above the freezing mark here in Massachusetts:(

    #5) Koba, you have my # for sure, you know I love a dude's "guns": Hey when you have them you have them, and those dude is proud to show them.

    #6) That is one thirsty dude, and that is one strong piss coming from that nice thick cock:)

    #7) Woof, Woof..:)

    #8) Pits and nice "guns" does it for me:)

    #9) Wow, dude I would be smiling if some dude was chowing down on my thick cock. Ah, maybe if I licked your nice balls and tongued your beautiful hairy taint, you would be:):):):):):):) smiling:)

    #10) That's my New Year's resolution, to get MORE facial's:):)

    Thanks Koba.. off to a great start:)
