Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thursday Hotness!


  1. Scott said...

    Happy to hear that your safe and sound Koba, tell that BF of yours to keep you nice and warm tonight:)

    #1) Handsome dude with a great body (look at those traps and chest) and from what I can see very big arms:)

    #2) Great smile dude, and love that thick "treasure trail". Nice mushroom head on that cock of yours:):)

    #3) I just want to freaking kiss "Gentle Ben":):):)

    #4) Life is Good when you have cock in your mouth:):) I would have traded cock for turkey today:) maybe cock later tonight.. Happy Thanksgiving everybody:):)

    #5) Whoa, plenty of water EVERYWHERE!!!! I wouldn't mind being on the beach anywhere, right about now..

    We got about 8 inches Koba, not the foot that you guys got..

    Thanks Koba...

  2. I got no inches but would love to get 8 from the first hot dude pictured here.

  3. Scott said...

    LOL.. uncle barry
    LOL: Stan
