Monday, November 3, 2014

And the winner is...

... by just a cock hair, this week's winner is Cock No. 1 with 8 votes in total! Second place is a tie between Cock No. 4 and Cock No. 10, each of whom received 7 votes! Third place goes to Cock No. 8 with 6 votes! This week's Koba's Choice Award goes to Cock No. 10 (with an honourable mention to Cock No. 7, who didn't receive a single vote! :( Congrats to the winner and many thanks to all those who participated! Have a great week guys! PS: We only got a couple of inches of snow here instead of the foot they were calling for!


  1. Yeah, #7 is a beautiful hairy cock - he was in my top 4. I also love #2 - you can see more of him at

  2. Scott said...

    Congrats to the winner, a nice piece of man-meat indeed:)

    Man, I would kill to have abs like that

  3. Finally someone I voted for actually won. Congrats to you stud! That body is stunning!
