Monday, September 15, 2014

And the winner is...

...with 12 votes in total, this week's winner is Cock No. 10! Second place goes to Cock No. 4 with 9 votes, and third place is rounded out by Cock No. 6 with 5 votes in all. This week's Koba's Choice Award goes to Cock No. 8! Congrats to the winners and many thanks to all those who participated! Have a great week, guys!  


  1. Scott said...

    Congrats to the winner, it's an impressive cock indeed. Yummy:)

  2. I knew it would be #10 as I never get these right. I guess I just have bad taste in cock :-)

  3. My two guys won! Hurray and congrats to the both of you: 10 &4!!!!! Axiom2001 said...
