Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday Hotness!


  1. Nice pics Koba:

    I do like dudes with a nice set "guns" so my pics fot today are #1 (wow), the bigger dude in the cute couple in #6, and# 9

    Thursday Hotness + AWESOME ARMS

  2. On this second day of 2014, I'd like 'to be TAKEN' long and hard and deeply by men #s 1, 2, 5 , 6, 9, and 10-- starting with #9 and followed by 6 and so on! DAMN, I'd be basking in the afterglow for at least the rest of this first month anyway!!!

  3. Braid said...
    I don't know if there just bro's or more, but they make a cute couple:) Pic#6

    Ps: I think it's hot if the cute shorter dude, slips the banana to the big boy's willing butt. HOT

  4. Now that a beautiful picture.

