Koba, you have a hard-on for the dude in pic#1,? I don't blame you he's a good looking dude.. You used him as first pic in last weeks TGIF. Or is that handsome dude you?
All photos that appear on this blog are taken from the Internet unless otherwise indicated and are assumed to be in the public domain. Want a pic taken down? Write me at prsoliloquies@gmail.com
Nice, it's going to get above freezing here today in Mass, pic#9, got me thinking about having a "weenie roast", that dog looks mighty appetizing:)
Koba, you have a hard-on for the dude in pic#1,? I don't blame you he's a good looking dude.. You used him as first pic in last weeks TGIF. Or is that handsome dude you?
LOL, Mike at 4:16Pm, so Koba, enquiring minds want to know, is shower boy, YOU?
Another wasted load in #10.
Scott said...
I like to take care of the dude's blue balls in pic#7.
Sorry, Mike, not me. Just sort of a careless repeat omn my part... :)
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