Really love #1 - in those sweet, pristine tighty whities. I wanna rip them off with my teeth! Great collection. Thanks for sharing. - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque
No buddy, com-on now, were both adult men, you don't have to sleep on the couch. I promise I won't touch you..geez we both have the same equipment..Right?
All photos that appear on this blog are taken from the Internet unless otherwise indicated and are assumed to be in the public domain. Want a pic taken down? Write me at
Pic #7...even though it's the weekend, lets get to work !
WOW..Lucy bastard, I want, what he's about to have for breakfast.
Really love #1 - in those sweet, pristine tighty whities. I wanna rip them off with my teeth! Great collection. Thanks for sharing. - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque
Damn, I have to get by butt to the gym today. Pic# 3
Thanks Koba for the "gym dandy" pic:):)
Pic 6 is my "cock of the day!"
Breakfast. Lunch & Dinner!
No buddy, com-on now, were both adult men, you don't have to sleep on the couch. I promise I won't touch you..geez we both have the same equipment..Right?
Woof, Woof, what a great bod:):)
Pic# 4
And lips! Pick 4!
You say lips, I say my goodness.. bring your bunkie over to my place tonight, you bunking with me. Pic#4
The gym dude is hot. Tall, muscular and has a beefy butt, that equals: YUMMY
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