Sunday, October 13, 2013

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, dudes! I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far. It's a nice long weekend for us Canadians with tomorrow being our Thanksgiving! In any case, it's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign over Soliloquiies for the week ahead! As you know, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: please vote only once and please vote for only one cock. That said, the guys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!


Anonymous said...

Hard to pic just one!
I'm going with 3

Tim from MO

Anonymous said...


bentofraser said...

It is a real toss up between #4 and #10.

#10 it is.

jam said...

number 9 for me fine as wine, and I love ginger wine

Anonymous said...

#4. Happy Thanksgiving!

Ralph said...


jay said...


Anonymous said...

#9 it is!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Opps, that was supposed to be the dude with the plump balls and thick cock #4.. Sorry.. I counted wrong, still half asleep..

Anonymous said...

3 is perfect in my world.

penis process said...

#3 Please!

MIKE said...

Vote for #6.

Rich said...

I wanna play with #4 all day!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my vote goes to #4

Anonymous said...

#2... great overall package!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#4 for sure.

Anonymous said...

Total collection of HOT cocks this week. I'm going with #6 for my trifecta of uncut, dusky color, and full cock pelt (bush)!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Hard" choice today Koba, but I looked them over real good.

Cock #4 for me

Bill S said...

I am hungry for 7. Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Lucky #7 so nice.

Anonymous said...

#3 is number 1 for me

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#3 for me and #6 made me rock hard

Arthur said...

My vote this week: #8

Best overall package is #6, though. *droolz*

Anonymous said...


Justin said...

Some great vintage cocks today, going with no 5 though. (2 is my 2nd pick)

Brisbanecoq said...

#2, with #8 and #10 very close contendents for me... Very, very impressive collection this week, thanks!

Anonymous said...

#3 is the one, no doubts this week.

Tom (Spain)

Anonymous said...

Wow # 6 for me!!!

Anonymous said...

#3 beautiful

Anonymous said...

No I for me please!! Yum

Anonymous said...

Scott said..

Oh my, what a beauty, cock#4 and the dude isn't bad looking

David said...

I will go for number 6 this time. He has a beautiful brown body.... and a nice cock too!

uptonking said...

#3 is awful purty! - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Anonymous said...


Shyc said...

#6 please.thx

Anonymous said...

At first, my vote went for #1. Then I saw #2. Then I saw #3, thinking "wow, you just can't beat that package."
Until I saw #7. Nice balls.
I'm having a hard time choosing between #3 & #7. Whichever. Or both, one at a time.


Anonymous said...

#4 does it for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Number 3 for sure.

parkavman said...


Anonymous said...

#4 please

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All winners, but #4 gets my vote