Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday facials!


  1. Good news for all us British viewers...Ben Cohen is appearing every Saturday night on our top tv show 'Strictly Come Dancing' [ the UK version of 'Dancing With The Stars'.

    I CANT WAIT!!!

    Oh, Ive just cum.

  2. I've heard that about Ben Cohen on Strictly, Karl! That would be a lot of fun to watch. He's a doll!

  3. Scott says, I'm taking the next flight on to London!!!:):)Go Gentle Ben, show them how the hairy striaght boys dance.heheheh

    I remember about 3 yrs ago Kurt Warner, (Hunky QB), was on "Dancing with the Stars" and he did very well.. I kept voted for him, over and over

    BTW. WTF, that last dude really got spooged on..Freaking hot, must have been a long thickie, to do all
