hmmm, I will trust in the Koba, I did not think Cohen was a pretty boy like Beckham, and that looks like a LA Galaxy jacket the team Beckham played on..
All photos that appear on this blog are taken from the Internet unless otherwise indicated and are assumed to be in the public domain. Want a pic taken down? Write me at
You gotta have balls to play the rough sport of rugby:) Ben Cohen is a little piece of heaven on Earth, and big supporter of gay rights.
Considering my limited gag reflex,I should have turned pro and sucked cock for a living. I'd be long retired and living in Palm Springs by now! ☺☺☺
"I hate job interviews, but I really need this job, well they told me to sit tight, so that's exactly what I am going to do". Pic #1
I'm sure #1 will get the job done.
Hell, he would have the job in a second if I had anything to do with the hiring! I like a "hard" working man.
I will take care of number 4
Lovely seeing Paddy on a bleak Monday morning.
And if Mr. Cohen would stop teasing us and get his cock out for the lads itd make my entire week!!!!
Ben Cohen is a really great guy, he is totally STR8, very gay friendly, professional rugby player. That's not him in pic #5.
The other guy in Pic # 7 is Dave Beckham, a hunky married guy..professional soccer I believe.
With that said, pic #2 is HOT.. that's the way, I relish a cock..I crave the sausage.
Thanks Koba.. Now find us a pic of Ben
love that pic of the rugby-player's cock exposed! HOT!!!
Ummm.. Pic seven is definitely not Beckham and is, in fact Ben Cohen. :)
hmmm, I will trust in the Koba, I did not think Cohen was a pretty boy like Beckham, and that looks like a LA Galaxy jacket the team Beckham played on..
"Morning feeding". Pic #9
On closer, and I mean CLOSER inspection I think pic 5 is photoshopped. Still hot if you have a healthy imagination. As I do
You're probably right Justin! :)
And Anon, now you've got me second guessing myself, perhaps No. 7 ISN'T Big Ben! Oh well, still hot! ;-)
Number Four. Brilliant.
I'm weirded out by his little finger though...
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